錯過了3/29 earth hour(地球時間), 還有個 4/22 earth day(地球日), 校園內可進行的一項環境審計活動, 在課程中也曾經提起, 利用幾週時間(4/1-4/21)在校園內做些調查, 並於4/22上網將成果展示.
利用前幾週的四大組, 各組先選擇有興趣的主題包括:空氣.建物.能源.廢棄物.食物.投資與消費.景觀.交通.水....等. 各大組再細分小計畫(1-3人), 如電的使用為主題可細分校內各建築或各系的電力使用. 參考下列網路文章的說明, 也可參考這位女生的計畫.
每週的作業:作業8(4/8-10)問題確認,作業9(4/15-17)實驗設計,作業10(4/22-24)蒐集資料, 作業11(4/29-5/1)結果整理上網公告,除上列進度還包括個人的工作範圍與心得想法.
EARTH DAY ON CAMPUS http://ww2.earthday.net/~earthday/node/8048
The purpose of this survey is to assess how 'climate' friendly your campus is and the best methods of mounting a climate change campaign.
This survey is intended to act as a preliminary study. If your campus is interested in pursuing a 'climate neutral' campaign, more extensive research will be needed.
The best way to start is by researching what information on the sustainability of your campus already exists. Ask campus environmental organizations and professors who teach environmental issues building and management personnel, as well as the administration if they have worked on campus greening projects in the past.Some reports that may provide information on campus greening includes: Campus Master Plans, Transportation Plans, Utilities Plans and Campus Contracts with paper product and dining & food service companies.
The survey is divided up according to issue area. Don't fret if finding the answers to the survey is difficult. Finding whether or not the information is easily assessable to students is equally as important to finding the answers (or not finding the answers).
The main purpose of conducting the survey is to have a general idea of what stage your campus is in the campus greening process.
— Air
Campus Greenhouse Gas Emissions — Total Campus Greenhouse Gas Emissions- BTUs/square feet
Campus Indoor Air Quality —Level of indoor air quality in campus buildings
— Build Environment
Green Buildings on Campus —Percentage of LEED Standards incorporated into building guidelines/specifications.Percentage of buildings that meet or exceed LEED standards
— Energy
Campus Energy Use — Total kWh/year
Campus Renewable Energy Use —Percentage of total campus energy use derived from clean and renewable energy sourcesPercentage of Compact Florescent lighting used on campus
— Food
Campus Local Food Consumption — Percentage of food consumed/sold on campus from local food sources (defined as within 100 miles from campus)
Campus Organic Food Consumption —Percentage of organic food served on campus
— Investments & Consumption
Green Investment — Amount of Social Responsible Investing conducted by campus
Paper Purchases— Percentage of paper purchased by campus that is at least 30% post-consumer recycled content
— Landscaping
Campus 'Green Space' — Percentage of campus designated as 'green space'
Campus Natural Area Protection — Percentage of land owned by campus protected by policy from development
Campus use of chemicals —Amount of pesticides/herbicides/fertilizer use on campus
— Solid Waste
Campus Solid Waste Generation — Total campus solid waste (metric tons/year)
Campus Solid Waste Management — Percentage of solid waste diverted for recycling, reuse and composting
Campus Recycling —ccessibility and use of campus recycling options
— Transportation
Campus percentage Commuters/Drivers — Percentage of student body that commutes to campusPercentage of students living within one mile of campus who drive to school regularly
Campus Transportation Options — Bus, bike and walking path options available on campus
Campus Fleet —Campus car fleet miles per gallon and fuel choice options
— Water
Campus Water Use —Total campus water use cubic meters/yearWater saving technologies used on campus
Campus Wastewater Management — Percentage of water use on campus treated before returning to watershed
Campus Storm Water Runoff Management —Campus plan for storm water runoffCampus watershed management for near-by water sources